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Yahoo mi-a ’tăiat’ serviciul

Joi 27 octombrie 2005, de Valentin Murariu

În seara asta am remarcat in căsuţa mea terţiară de email-uri un mesaj sec de la Yahoo care zicea aşa:

... (headere)
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 26 Oct 2005 22:18:36 -0000
Subject: Service Closure Notification

Usage of your Yahoo! account was recently identified to be in violation of the terms of service.

Because of this violation, your service has been shut down.  If you feel this action has been made in error, 
contact Yahoo! Customer Care at

Please do not respond to this email, as this is simply a notification.

Iniţial am crezut că e un spam cum am mai primit de atatea ori pană acum, suspect insă mi s-a părut că mesajul nu avea nici un fişier ataşat [1]. Aşadar m-am dus pe şi am incercat să imi accesez contul de acolo. Nimic, nema, nada, rien du tout, nothing, kaput !

Si asta in condiţiile in care ultimul meu acces la contul yahoo a fost făcut in cursul zilei de azi:

... (headere)
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 01:07:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Valentin Murariu <>
Subject: Tool de extractie poezii
To: dragos... (restul mesajului)

Le-am scris la adresa indicată următorul mesaj:

... (headere)
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 19:31:13 +0200
Subject: Re: Service Closure Notification

Yes, I do feel this action has been made in error. I do not really see 
what I could do wrong in the last 12 hours to get my account canceled - 
I have used it in the morning, after using it for almost 8 years on a 
almost daily basis.

I have carefully read the TOS at and I 
have a problem identifying my supposed wrong-doing.

Details of my old account with you are: yahoo id vmurariu, secondary 

I'd be delighted to have my account re-activated, restored with my full 
address book I have taken a lot of pain and time to maintain up-to-date. 
Should that not be the case, I will do as any normal human would do: 
turn to a different service of the like on the net.

Thanks in advance for your kind help,
Valentin Murariu

Sunt curios de ce o să imi răspundă. Defapt, nu prea cred că o să imi răspundă.

Între timp nu vă mai obosiţi să imi scrieţi pe adresa Şi nici să incercaţi să daţi de mine pe Messenger ...

Mică aducere la zi (2005-10-28 23:23): mi-am creat un cont pe Google. Id-ul este vmurariu. Vă aştept pe Google Talk, in loc de Y! Messenger.

[1care include virusul de rigoare